Experienced Criminal
Law Barrister
Mario Licha Is an Experienced and Qualified Criminal Law Barrister Based in Sydney’s CBD
Mario Licha — The Facts
A blokes’ barrister who represents men like you.
Talks in a way you can understand.
Expertise in defending domestic violence offenses, AVOs, criminal law, and traffic law charges.
Gives you hope and helps you understand what’s happening.
Listens to your side of the story and how you’re feeling.
At your side when legal matters leave you feeling worried and alone.
Years of experience working for accused men.
Mario’s Practice Areas

Domestic Violence
and AVOs



Mario Licha — Your Criminal Barrister Partner in Sydney
Facing serious charges is worrying, stressful, and leaves you feeling alone. Mario Licha — a friendly and experienced criminal lawyer in Sydney — is on your side.
- Sydney barrister since 2005, specialising in AVOs, criminal law and traffic law.
- He’s here to help blokes like you when you need it most.
- Received the NSW Law Society President’s Award.
- Works to finish cases quickly — because he knows how stressful they are.
- Founder of AMENS (A Men’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service) — supporting men facing domestic violence accusations.
- Background in healthcare gives him a unique position in domestic violence cases.
- Sees many untrue, frivolous, or vexatious cases in his practise as a barrister in Sydney.
- He believes every bloke deserves a lawyer to help them.

Mario Can Represent You in the Following Areas
Getting an AVO can feel really unfair, like you’re being punished before you tell your side of the story.
- AVOs restrict your behaviour.
- Even if what the person says isn’t true, you may face serious punishments if you breach an AVO.
- If you receive an AVO, you must follow what it says.
- AVOs can damage your reputation, risk your future, jeopardise your job, affect your VISA, or stop you from seeing your children.
- Mario Licha is an experienced barrister in Sydney — he has experience defending men facing AVOs.
- AVOs Mario sees are mostly based on untruths, or are frivolous, vexatious, or used for an ulterior motive, such as to gain an advantage in family law proceedings.
- He’ll listen to you and help you build a case for your defence.
- You can defend against an AVO.
Criminal Law Defence Barrister, Sydney
If you’re facing criminal charges, it’s normal to feel worried, especially if it’s your first time. Mario Licha is a barrister who understands this and can help you figure out what to do.
- A defence barrister in Sydney whose main practice is in AVOs, traffic law, choking, controlling behaviour, sexual touching offences, and bail.
- If you’re found guilty, you could get a fine, have to do community service, or even go to prison.
- Mario Licha is an experienced Sydney criminal law barrister in these areas.
- He works tirelessly for men facing criminal charges.
- No matter what you’re accused of, Mario will work hard to represent you.
- He will tell you the strengths and weaknesses of the prosecution case against you, even if it’s hard to hear.
- Mario will help you understand what’s going on, and make you feel better when you’re not thinking clearly in this stressful situation.
- Mario is relentless with your defence.
Traffic Law Criminal Defence Barrister, Sydney
Being accused of a serious traffic offence can be frightening — it can hurt your reputation, your job, and your freedom. Even small traffic law offences can cause you worry and cost you money. You could lose your driver’s licence for a long period of time.
- Traffic problems can be anything from jumping a red light to driving after drinking.
- Most people who get in trouble with traffic laws aren’t bad people. They might have made a mistake or were going through a hard time.
- To protect yourself, you need to speak to Mario.
- Mario Licha practices in drink driving, drug driving, and other driving offences.
- He understands the complex traffic law rules and regulations.
- Mario knows the stress you’re facing, and gives advice with understanding and compassion.
- He wants you to know that receiving a fine, penalty, or charge doesn’t automatically mean you are guilty.

Mario Licha — Barrister for AVO, Traffic, and Criminal Law
When you’re trying to find a barrister in NSW who talks your language, treats you with respect, and understands your worries and concerns — speak to Mario Licha.
Not your typical barrister, he provides a refreshingly down-to-earth approach. Without stuffiness and confusing legal words, Mario defends your rights and freedom — knowing the stress, confusion, and helplessness you may feel.
Based in Sydney’s CBD and representing clients across NSW and Australia — he cares about your case and is determined to help.
Mario Licha…
✔ Has vast experience in domestic violence, criminal law, and traffic law.
✔ One of the most approachable criminal lawyers in Sydney.
✔ Believes in you and will fight for your rights.
✔ Knows how tough it is to be accused of something — always giving you reassurance and support.
✔ Works tirelessly for men’s mental health and wellbeing.
✔ Knows that most allegations that he sees are untrue, hyped up, or said for revenge.
✔ Friendly advice without talking down to you.
✔ Listens hard to your story, your worries, and your fears.
✔ Finds solutions even when things seem impossible.
✔ Mario is relentless in fighting for men like you.
Stay on the pulse with the latest articles and resources designed specifically to support solicitors in the area of criminal law.
Keep informed with a variety of articles giving the latest information on criminal law, traffic law, and domestic violence and AVOs.